Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Its the Happiest time of the Year!!! Oldhammer Season!!! Part II

Hello all...and welcome back.

Today we are off to Monolith-Con...a small gathering of hardcore Oldhammer geeks enthusiasts that takes place in an undisclosed location deep in the middle of a corn field somewhere in the Midwestern United States...

This amazing event saw three straight days packed with gaming...we Gamed...we ate...we gamed some more...we slept for a few hours and we did it all again.

It was Glorious!!!

Here are some shots of the amazing action taking place.

Ambulls on the Rampage!!!

Beatmen Advance!

Chaos Dwarf War Ponies prepare to charge

Cold One Cavalry wedge

Feeling Crabby...

ooohhh...sparkly!!!! :)

Dark Elf Battle line

Imperial Dread

Dwarf Army Prepares to receive the attack of Black Vasken!

Lots of rules lawyering...sigh

Troll Slayers Advance to make their destinies!

The most Oldhammer thing EVA!!!


Next time Vasken!!! Next time...

Cheers for now!



  1. Nice pictures. I see a great satisfaction on your faces 😄

  2. Great pictures Blue. You captured the essence of the weekend.

    1. Cheers Sean! I never seem to have pictures of any people at gaming events...lol...the two I posted here are literally the only ones I have from the weekend..haha....and I don't think I had ANY from the Jerz...

  3. Wow, some impressive pics! The unicorns are unbeatable, of course, but I can see a lot of fun there!

  4. Lovely setting. Makes myself very envious not to have been part of this magnificent happening. ;) Thanks for posting!

  5. Gorgeous minis mate! I particularly like the Slayers
