Sunday, October 29, 2017

Chaos Renegade #19 Seasonal Special

Hi all,

In the run up to Oldhammer in the Jerz (OHNW 2017) I'm attempting to finish up a couple of smallish projects.  Once of these is completing Chaos Renegade Squad 2.  I have just two figures to finish to complete this squad and today I'm happy to share with you the first of those two.

As you may have noticed with the last Boar Rider and the Averland figures from the last post I have been working with my system to paint Black cloth and armor a lot lately.  And since it has been working out I decided to apply that technique to one of my Renegades.

With the bulk of the armor color picked I turned my thoughts to what the contrasting color should be...and I toyed with Green....turquoise...yellow...and finally I decided to ask my daughter her opinion (my wife, who is my normal color consultant, is out of town)... She said "Dad, its practically Halloween! try Orange!"  So I did! and I think it worked out well.

Here is a series of pics showing how I layered up the colors and the Glamour pics of this guy are at the bottom.

And here are the final shots from several angles...

Another fantastic Renegade Sculpt...I have not painted one of these I didn't like. You may have noticed the slightly different backpack...this is one from a later version of 40K (I'm not eve sure which) but it seemed to fit well with this figure so I went with it.

Anyway...there you Halloween Renegade!




  1. Fantastic ! I was wondering if you had glazed the black parts to get them so dark after highlighting a fair bit in the pics or is it just the difference in photographs ?

    1. It must just be a difference in the pics...perhaps the blue background instead of the grey? I'll have to do an experiment and take the same pics on the grey and see how they look.

  2. Great job. Was going to make the same observation - grey looks more muted in the glamor shots

  3. Nice work - black is particularly tricky to get right. I think you pretty much nailed it.

  4. Wow. Following what you said, there's no one of these I didn't like. At some point I will have to steal the ideas!

  5. The pack certainly works on the model- I think that one is from the most recent CSM plastics box?

  6. The black really makes the orange "pop" on his armour Blue.....really cool CR!

  7. Another glorious paint job. Love the orange!

  8. This is great. I like the way the guns are dark and metallic, but stand apart from the black armour panels.

  9. Awesome Blue! Your daughter hit the nail on the head with the color scheme. I so wish I could layer like you. Great job!

  10. Such a great colour combination! You should ask your daughter for advice more often.
