Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chaos...the BIG and the small...:)

One of the Members of CDO and CCM, who goes by the handle of Hashut's lil Helper (HlH), contacted me a couple of months ago about a trade deal...as the discussions continued it became clear that he had a ton of stuff I was interested in...and while I had a few things on my end for him it was far from a square deal...so he approached me about doing some commission painting for him to even things out.  The figures he wanted painted were very interesting...As you may or may not know some Marauder's iconic MM90 Chaos dwarfs were modeled after Citadel's classic Chaos Warriors from the mid 1980's...HlH had painted a full collection of MM90s but wanted to create matching Chaos Warriors to go with them...and he asked me to help. 

So after an anxious few days a rather largish box arrived at my door that contained not only our agreed upon trade items but also the Chaos Warriors and the MM90s that HlH wanted me to use as inspiration.  So over the next few weeks I plan on cranking through a few of these...here are the first 5 pairs that I will be working on.
I'm really looking forward to digging into this project...I have currently glued the CWs into their bases and started removing mold lines and flash...Priming and first paint should hit this weekend.



1 comment:

  1. I really like these comparison photos. I am also looking forward to the finished comission pieces.
